=== Depicter Slider - Responsive Image Slider, Video Slider & Post Slider === Contributors: averta, averta_support Tags: slider, image slider, wordpress slider, post slider, video slider, gallery slider, photo slider, vertical slider, fullscreen slider, product slider, instagram Requires at least: 4.9.0 Tested up to: WordPress 6.2.2 Requires PHP: 7.2.5 Stable tag: 1.9.1 License: GPL-2.0-only License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Make animated and interactive image slider, video slider, post slider and carousels with simple drag and drop which work smoothly across all devices. == Description == [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi_NjXKlvmg] >[Examples and Demos](https://depicter.com/templates "Live demos of Depicter WordPress Slider") | [Video Tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUbrAq7xJAGqttWMC9SETkA "Watch all video tutorials") | [Support](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/depicter "Free support") = Overview = Depicter is a free SEO friendly, responsive image and video slider that truly works on all major devices with super smooth hardware accelerated transitions. It supports touch navigation with pure swipe gesture that you have never experienced before. = Features = - **Visual Builder** - Professional, yet simple and intuitive visual slider builder - **Comprehensive Asset Library** - A huge and free library of 3.2M images, 30K videos, vectors, mockups, pre-built templates and elements at your service. - **Flexible Layouts & Responsiveness** - Make a truly responsive and mobile-friendly slider that looks perfect across all devices. - **Animations & Interactivity** - Capture your users' attention by adding interaction with super smooth animations and interactive actions to sliders. - **Versatile Video Player** - Play any type of video including self-hosted, YouTube and Vimeo videos in your slider responsively. - **Truly Customizable** - Customize video controls, mute, loop, autoPlay and toggle fullscreen; all with few simple clicks! - **Modern Image Editing Tools** - Crop images responsively and apply image filters within few clicks! - **Lightweight & SEO-Friendly** - Super lightweight and dependency-free slider which delivers your content optimized for search engines. - **Comprehensive Navigation Controls** - Add arrows, bullets, line timer, slideshow controls, and scroll indicators to your slider by drag and drop. - **Touch Swipe & Mouse Navigation** - Mouse and keyboard navigation, super natural touch swipe and mouse swipe gestures are right at your service too. - **Fully Responsive** - Adjust the content and presentation of your slider to every device. You can deliver the most optimized experience for each visitor, no matter they’re viewing your website on Desktop, Tablet or Mobile. - **Template Sliders** - [130+ high quality](https://depicter.com/templates) to import and start with, within one simple click! - **Expert Support**- Our expert support team ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly through live chat and our exclusive help desk. = Translation = - Translated into German - Translated into Italian - Translated into Dutch (Belgium) - Translated into Russian - Translated into Chinese - Translated into Indonesian - Start translating Depicter in [WordPress translation service](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/depicter/). = Featured on = - Featured on HubSpot = Liked Depicter? = - Join [Depicter Facebook Page](https://www.facebook.com/DepicterAPP). - Learn from our tutorials on [YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUbrAq7xJAGqttWMC9SETkA). == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I install Depicter? = From your WordPress dashboard -> Go to Plugins -> Click on 'Add new'-> In the Search field, enter Depicter and press install. After installation, click Activate. = Will Depicter work with my theme? = Depicter works with any theme, including default WordPress themes. = Does it work with other WordPress plugins? = It works with almost all the plugins. If you experience an incompatibility issue, please report it to us and to the plugin that conflicts with Depicter. = Where can I report bugs? = Bugs can be reported in our [support forums](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/depicter/) == Screenshots == 1. Slider without thumbnail (light skin 1) 2. Slider with thumbnail on bottom (light skin 1) == Changelog == ## Version 1.9.1 - *Released: 2023-05-08* - **Fixed** - Minor bugs fixed. ## Version 1.9.0 - *Released: 2023-04-29* - **Added** - Introducing **🪄 AI Wizard**. Now you can create sliders with the power of **ChatGPT** in a few seconds! (PRO) - Now you can create dynamic sliders from any WordPress **Custom Post type** (PRO). - We added support for Advanced **Custom Fields (ACF)** to the WordPress data sources. - Long awaited **theme fonts**! Now you can use any of the custom fonts that are added to your website (No config required!). - **Improved** - Major improvement in using data sources and creating dynamic sliders. - Copping and resizing image elements and slide backgrounds improved. - **Fixed** - Fixed an issue with unwanted scaling while resizing an image element right after adding it to a slide. - An issue with Beaver Builder fixed. ## Version 1.7.3 - *Released: 2023-03-20* - **Added** - An issue where editing dynamic tags on text elements caused the editor to crash. - Resolved an issue where old sliders couldn't be opened with the latest version of the editor. - The issue causing the "invalid color" error fixed. - **Improved** - Improved the display of YouTube videos as slide backgrounds. ## Version 1.7.0 - *Released: 2023-02-28* - **Added** - Now you can add YouTube or Vimeo videos as slide background (PRO). - Now you can resize image while cropping by zoom control. - Now you can use WebP images inside the slider. - **Improved** - Replacing image elements by dropping another image on them improved. - Ken-burns effect got minor improvements. - On preview, now you can scroll to see scroll parallax effects. - **Fixed** - Fixed an issue that caused the editor to crash while changing animation parameters. ### 1.6.2 - *Released: 2023-02-20* - **Improved** - Depicter is now fully compatible and integrated with Oxygen Builder plugin. ### 1.6.0 - *Released: 2023-02-09* - **Added** - Now you can add gradient colors to elements and slide background. - Now you can add the Ken-burns effect to the slide background image (PRO). - Text animations are available now! You can add them to single and multiline text elements (PRO). - Introducing Clip and Reveal animation types (PRO). - Integration for Oxygen page builder applied. Now you can use Depicter element in Oxygen builder too. - **Improved** - Generating thumbnails from slides are improved. - **Fixed** - A JS error on iOS 14 fixed. - An issue with border-radius and video elements on safari fixed. - An issue with applying vertical parallax effect fixed. - An issue with previewing slider on Nginx web server fixed. - An issue with the localization of the editor fixed. - An issue with disabling the hover effect on tablet and mobile breakpoints fixed. ### 1.5.5 - *Released: 2022-12-25* - **Added** - Introducing Handpicked Posts slider (PRO). Now you can handpick some posts to be displayed as a slider. - Introducing WordPress Pages slider (PRO). Now you can display your website pages as a slider. - Introducing Handpicked Pages slider (PRO). Now you can handpick some pages to be displayed as a slider. - Introducing Handpicked Products slider (PRO). Now you can handpick some products to be displayed as a slider. - Now you can crop the background image of a section as well. - Now Depicter Gutenberg widget (WP Block) has live preview in WordPress Blocks Editor. - **Fixed** - An issue with sliders that contain empty slides fixed. - An issue with animating the color of "Scroll Down Indicator" element fixed. - An issue with responsive rotation of some elements fixed. - An issue with localization of Depicter Editor fixed. - **Improved** - Improvement for generating style for "In Stock Status" element applied. ### 1.5.2 - *Released: 2022-12-11* - **Added** - New translations Dutch, Russian, and Chinese added. ### 1.5.1 - *Released: 2022-12-06* - **Added** - Now you can publish or open a slider in the editor from WordPress Blocks page. - **Fixed** - An issue with changing the slug of slider from editor fixed. ### 1.5.0 - *Released: 2022-11-24* - **Added** - More than 50 premium templates are available now - Now you can add parallax options to the elements and slide background (PRO). - WooCommerce data source is available now (PRO). - WordPress Pages data source is available now (PRO). - Now you can set your slider to show partial or fully area of nearby slides on both sides (PRO). - Now you can add animation-in and animation-out to the slide background (PRO). - **Improved** - Overall performance of editor got improved. ### 1.3.8 - *Released: 2022-10-25* - **Added** - Now Depicter loads faster than ever before by parallel loading of slider assets. - New setting page and option added to load Depicter assets on entire pages of website. - **Improved** - Fullscreen laying out in mobile devices got improved. - Previewing slider changes in the editor got some improvements - Handing connection issues in the editor procedure improved. - List of sliders in page builder elements reordered by last modified date. - After importing a new slider the current breakpoint in the editor is always desktop. - Depicter markup is now completely valid for W3C standards. - **Fixed** - A fix for an issue with setting up multiple sliders in the page applied. - Appearance of editor in RTL layout WordPress dashboards fixed. - An issue with loading i18n locale files fixed. - An issue with creating plugin tables after adding a new network site fixed. - Preventing errors if one of media files used in slider was deleted from media library. - An issue with retrieving media links for websites with different uploads directory fixed. ### 1.3.5 - *Released: 2022-10-09* - **Added** - Depicter Element for Divi Page builder added. - Now you can directly publish an unpublished slider in Divi page builder. - Now you can directly publish an unpublished slider in WpBakery page builder. - **Improved** - Style and functionality of unpublished notice improved. - Fullscreen sizing in mobile screen sizes improved. - **Fixed** - An issue with rendering grouped elements in the preview fixed. - An issue with the style of slider when there are multiple sliders in a page fixed. - An issue with not loading the slider on Safari v14 fixed. - An issue with appearing slides with no elements fixed. ### 1.3.3 - *Released: 2022-10-02* - **Fixed** - An issue with old created documents or templates that led to editor crash fixed. ### 1.3.2 - *Released: 2022-09-24* - **Fixed** - An issue with loading custom styles of slider fixed. - An issue with the edit button of slider in Elementor page builder fixed. ### 1.3.1 - *Released: 2022-09-21* - **Fixed** - An issue with loading styles of slider on some page builders fixed. - A minor error while using Depicter along with Elementor fixed. ### 1.3.0 - *Released: 2022-09-21* - **Added** - Now, you can set the full-screen layout above margin calculates automatically. - Now, the auto height feature gets enabled automatically. Just increase the content height of a slide and see the result on a boxed or full-width layout. - Added "Adaptive height" option. It deprecates the old "Aspect ratio" option and improves elements resizing on different device screens. - Added the possibility of dropping photos over video elements. - Now you can change swiping direction regardless of the sliding transition direction. - Added option of going to the next slide after the video ends to the video and embedding video elements. - You can also add custom class names to the elements. It helps you connect them to third-party scripts. - Now copying and pasting styles covers element sizes too. - You can also find vertical navigation arrows in the left side panel. - If a page does not have Depicter slider, Depicter assets do not load on that page. - **Improved** - The CSS code snippets now have copy button. - Improved overall performance of moving and aligning elements on the editor. - Improved keyboard navigation behavior. - Page speed improvements for slider applied. - **Fixed** - SSL certificate error while importing templates fixed. - An issue with rending self-hosted videos cover photo on the editor. - Fixed an issue with overlapping slider preview with the preview modal. ### 1.2.0 - *Released: 2022-09-05* - **Added** - Now you can publish or rename a slider directly from the dashboard area. - You can find slider shortcode in the dashboard area too. - Now you can preview and publish slider changes from Depicter Elementor element as well. - **Fixed** - An issue with element positioning on mobile view fixed. - An issue with rendering dynamic photos that lead to a crash fixed. - An issue with publishing sliders right after removing a data source fixed. - **Improved** - Improved editor data recovery procedure. - Improved error handling in dashboard. ### 1.1.9 - *Released: 2022-08-27* - **Fixed** - A conflict with WPBakery page builder fixed. ### 1.1.8 - *Released: 2022-08-22* - **Fixed** - An issue with initializing the slider when the page is already loaded. - An issue with loading a missing js file while editing a post in WordPress dashboard fixed. - An issue with cropping animated Gif images fixed. - An issue with rendering images that led to a crash fixed. - **Improved** - Mobile breakpoint size changed to 767px. ### 1.1.7 - *Released: 2022-08-20* - **Added** - Now you can edit content of data source connected text elements too. - **Improved** - Loading image elements inside the editor got improvement. - Repositioning elements by keyboard arrow keys got some improvements. - **Fixed** - An issue with aligning elements to the center of the slider fixed. - An issue with unwanted animation start on selecting elements inside the editor fixed. - Unwanted changes of element upon switching between responsive breakpoints fixed. - Fixed an issue with applying custom styles to the elements. - An issue with loading slide background video cover image addressed. - An issue with trimming excerpt in post slider fixed. ### 1.1.6 - *Released: 2022-07-24* - **Added** - Depicter is now faster than ever with new performance enhancements. - **Improved** - Overall performance of updating options in editor improved. - Background videos start playing after the slide get fully loaded. - **Fixed** - An issue with "Go to next slide" option of looped video backgrounds fixed. - An issue with slider built-in cache fixed. - An issue with displaying loading animation fixed. - An issue with setting controls position with the positioning presets fixed. - An issue with slider custom styles fixed. - An issue with importing and exporting slider containing SVG files fixed. ### 1.1.4 - *Released: 2022-07-13* - **Added** - Now you can set self-hosted video element as a slide background via the right-click context menu. - Built-in cache added for published sliders. - **Improved** - Reduced conflicting issues with third-party lazy loading plugins. - Importing templates and sliders procedure improved. - Improved image-loading inside the editor. - Improved overall performance of editing content in the editor. - **Fixed** - An issue with hiding slider responsively fixed. - An issue with pointer cursor on elements with action fixed. - An issue with hiding children elements of a group element. - An issue with importing SVG files while importing a slider fixed. - An issue with "inherit" option of font family for text element fixed. - An issue with text letter-spacing with value of 0 fixed. ### 1.1.2 - *Released: 2022-06-26* - **Added** - Now you can set the font family as `inherit from the theme` in the cases that you want texts to get fonts from the theme. - **Improved** - The appearance of "content area" in the editor improved. - The quality of post slider backgrounds improved. - **Fixed** - Unwanted playing element animation upon element selection changes fixed. - Removed unexpected white borders at sides of scrollbars in the editor. - Unwanted visibility of group elements children fixed. - An issue with loop navigation while keyboard is enabled fixed. - An issue with loading and applying Google Font variations fixed. - An issue with linking image element to a URL fixed. - An issue with "Open in New Tab" option of elements fixed. - An issue with not loading an asset file fixed. - An issue with hover animation of controls fixed. ### 1.1.0 - *Released: 2022-06-14* - **Added** - Now you can create dynamic sliders from WordPress posts - Now you can import and export your sliders - After each update, you can see changes right in your panel. - **Improved** - Slide design area does not upscale when zoom value is set as "fit". - Editor shows notice when it does not have access to the Depicter servers - Improved transform tool hints - **Fixed** - Now elements with "wait for action" enabled option don't appear at the start. ### 1.0.0 - *Released: 2022-06-01* - **Improved** - Now slide area locates in the center of the workspace area. - Better support for 3D rotation animations applied. - **Fixed** - A random issue with dropping assets and replacing photos from the assets panel fixed. - Miscalculation of scrollbars on right side of assets panel fixed. - An issue with applying default font weights to text elements fixed. - An issue with playing move animations after changing the movement value fixed. ### 0.9.11 - *Released: 2022-05-12* - **Added** - Now you can drop photos and videos from your hard drive to the Depicter editor. - Pasting RGBA colors to the color picker added. - Now you can set the zoom to fit by Ctrl+Shift+0 - **Improved** - The size of arrow controls improved. - Appearance of "Slides" and "Options" tab improved. - Overall performance of editing features improved. - Resizing photos and SVG elements in the editor improved. - Reset crop functionality improved. - Mask animation performance improved. - **Fixed** - Unwanted movements of elements upon switching between slides and options tabs fixed. - An issue with typing space character when the text or button element is selected. - Extra white space on the right side of scrollbars in Windows removed. - An issue with previewing SVG images in slider is fixed. ### 0.9.10 - *Released: 2022-04-28* - **Improved** - Improved workspace scrollbars - Improved searching behavior through assets - **Fixed** - An issue with typing space character when the text or button element is selected. - An issue with loading google fonts on Blank or Canvas page template of default WordPress themes fixed. - An issue with fullscreen or fullwidth layout appearance on default WordPress themes fixed. - An issue with showing embed videos in their actual size fixed. ### 0.9.8 - *Released: 2022-04-18* - **Added** - Now you can pan through your design by mouse wheel too. - **Improved** - Improved editor layout appearance on 1366px screen sizes. - Now the preview shows the current breakpoint - Major improvement in panning and zoom functionality applied. - Changed font weights to human-readable labels. - Improved slide sizing options and appearance inside the editor - **Fixed** - Unwanted movement of elements between breakpoints fixed. ### 0.9.7 - *Released: 2022-04-10* - **Fixed** - Unwanted movement of elements right after creating a new slide. ### 0.9.6 - *Released: 2022-04-06* - **Added** - Introducing auto-positioning for elements - It helps you to locate elements responsively more easily - Responsive scale feature added to all elements. - Keyboard shortcut for changing elements depth added. - Preview animation upon changing the animation parameters added. - **Improved** - Improvements in naming elements and new slides applied. - Improvements in text element default styles applied. - Improvements in text element options applied. - Improvements in button element default styles applied. - Improvements in updating values of input option values applied. - **Fixed** - Applying 3D rotation animations. - Responsive hide options didn't work on image elements. - Out wrapper control elements were not clickable. - Foreground elements animation-in didn't play at initialization. - An issue with installations having old version of MySQL fixed. - An issue with wrong aspect ratio of uploaded images was fixed. - An issue with using `` function fixed. ### 0.9.4 - *Released: 2022-03-05* - **Added** - Now you can select elements by right-click menu too. - Shortcuts preview is added to right-click menu. - Recent colors added to the color picker. - Recent fonts to the fonts list. - Now you can paste YouTube and Vimeo URLs to the editor to create an embed video element. - Now you can create text elements by pasting your copied text. - Now you can open slider editor right from Elementor depicter element. - **Improved** - Improved dashboard styles. - Improved zooming functionality in the workspace. - Selecting multiple elements by holding the shift key. - Improved document rendering in mobile fullscreen layout. - Improved element animation in starting time upon starting sliding. - Improvement applied to cache module. - **Fixed** - An issue that caused editor crash when an image element was removed while cropping. - An issue with ordering elements after grouping them. - An issue that caused editor crash when a shortcut was used right after opening right-click menu. - An issue with generating styles for `text shadow` and `box shadow` with zero values fixed. - A console error that appeared in admin pages was fixed. ### 0.9.3 - *Released: 2022-02-20* - Minor bug while fetching image from image library fixed. ### 0.9.2 - *Released: 2022-02-16* - A fatal error with PHP 8.0 fixed. ### 0.9.1 - *Released: 2022-02-14* - Minor bugs fixed. ### 0.9.0 - *Released: 2022-02-03* - Initial release == Installation == = Minimum Requirements = * WordPress 4.9 or greater * PHP version 7.2.5 or greater * MySQL version 5.0 or greater = We recommend your host supports: = * PHP version 7.4 or greater * MySQL version 5.6 or greater * WordPress Memory limit of 64 MB or greater [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THC_P2IpXHo] **This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working** = Automatic installation (easiest way) = To do an automatic installation of Depicter, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New. In the search field type "Depicter" and click Search Plugins. Once you have found it you can install it by simply clicking "Install Now". = Manual installation = **Uploading in WordPress Dashboard** 1. Download `depicter.zip` 2. Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins page 3. Navigate to the 'Upload' area 4. Select `depicter.zip` from your computer 5. Click 'Install Now' 6. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard **Using FTP** 1. Download `depicter.zip` 2. Extract the `depicter` directory to your computer 3. Upload the `depicter` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard The WordPress codex contains [instructions on how to install a WordPress plugin](http://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Manual_Plugin_Installation). = Updating = You can use automatic update to update the plugin safely.